New cooperation of DOTSOFT with the Municipality of Drama
The contract was signed between the Municipality of Drama and DOTSOFT for the implementation of the project concerning the development of an integrated system of telematics monitoring and telemetry with the possibility of posting in real time environmental quality and quantity parameters related to the microclimate of the intervention area and quality / quantity of local waters of the area.
The data collection will be carried out with the installation in selected points of the intervention area, telematics measurement systems of sensors, which at regular intervals will collect the necessary information and will forward them with the help of wireless broadband links to the Central Management System (CMS). , where they will be displayed in a special dashboard.
The data will be accessible to all interested parties (citizens, environmental organizations, municipal authorities, educational institutions, etc.), while emergency announcements will be generated automatically in case of harmful to Public Health phenomena such as pollution, high temperatures, etc.
The collection, analysis, display and processing of data mainly concerns the following subsystems:
- Meteorological data
- City Quality Measurement
- Water Quality / Flow Measurement